What does a housewife do when they wake up to divorce papers from their husband? The same man who read vows out loud in front of a whole congregation 15 years ago. The same man who made her financially dependant on him after asking her to quit her job. “Darling I don’t trust the help, I think you should stay home and take care of our minions”. She was coiled up against him in a post-coital position. He ran his finger up and down, all the way to the small of her back making shudder slightly.
That was way back. When she could still juggle motherhood and the corporate world. She went with her husband’s idea. Resigning from her work as an executive assistant which she loved and got acquainted with the diapers. This move came with a couple of challenges. She lost friends as her circle and their’s became a little bit different. No one was interested in her son’s bout of malaria or her daughter’s first step. The world was changing, everyone was changing with it. Everyone including her husband. Everyone but her. She loves being a mom. She wears the motherhood cap proudly. Showing up at sports events and cookouts with her best foot forward. Over the years, the spark she had with Mark had dwindled. He no longer found her attractive. He complained about this or that.
At one time he raised his voice at her. Making her feel small in front of the kids and the house help. She had only inquired of his whereabouts the previous night. She cried herself to sleep, sobbing hysterically as he ignored her. One of her friends from her previous workplace told her that he had a girlfriend. A young girl in her twenties who kept him busy. She tried all she could to save her marriage but nothing seemed to work. From sexy lingerie to different sex positions, but Mark had already checked out of the marriage.
She picked up her two kids and moved out. She had no money only some change that would get her to her folk’s place. Her parents received her warm-heartedly. Her mother assuring her that all will be well. “You have been given this mountain to show others that it can move,” she told her.
As she went to sleep that night, Brendah knew exactly what to do.