I enjoy invitations and invitation cards. If you are feeling generous an RSVP my way would light up my day. Aside from baby showers and weddings, I thrive on relationship invites. Do you know the men and women in your life who let you in? The ones who will show you a video of their cat or their goat if they come from Western Kenya. I gravitate toward individuals who want me in their lives. The people who talk of their great Uncle Simon and his escapades. The individuals who share articles with you, who recommend books for you.
In short, I like being invited into people's personal space. I like the leeway that a short birthday invitation text gives or a deep 3. a.m conversation on phobias and traumas. I would not want to seem like I’m forcing my way into people's lives but an invite for me does the trick. I have met people who instantly invite me into their lives. Individuals who gravitate towards me with easy viscosity. Guys in the supermarket queue who mention that my smile reminds them of an ex who broke them, or that one time this chick hugged me from behind because she needed a hug and my body language told her that I wouldn't mind. I love such.
I have had friends and family members who close me out of their space. I respect this. I might not be the right puzzle piece and this is okay. What I don't appreciate is inconsistency. I don't like being used. I despise like feeling used. The back and forth, that does not work for me. If you want me in say it if you don't state it. I find my self navigating through this pool of life with individuals who don't let me in. Guys who give off mixed signals. I simply let go, move on and find people who want me.
After all the mantra is go where you are wanted isn't it?