You've probably experienced it. That Monday. You wake up to a very dull and gloomy Nairobi. The bloody rains have come. You cant find your umbrella. Oh! You remember it's among the things your toxic ex left with. Your nice boots are still wet. After gathering dust from the shoe rack you had decided to wash them last night. “My fur coat will do,” you murmur. You open the closed door only to find an empty hanger, the last time she visited. Your sister borrowed it.
You somehow manage to scramble out of the door looking decent and warm. The commute to work is terrible as you are heavily rained on, the umbrella is lost remember. You get to work drenched to the core, but you didn't die did you?. Yours is a start-up, the nice ones which have an espresso machine. So you pour your self a cup. We millennials run on coffee. As soon as your seat your soaking self down, you get a call. It's your boss. You forgot to mention about the meeting. Do you recall him mentioning it? He was to meet with the investors today, but thanks to you he forgot. Yeah, the day has just begun.
You receive an earful which in all honestly you deserved it. As the day stretches out, more and more things fall out of place.Its Carolyne from HR’s birthday. It’s your job to organize for a cake and a card to be delivered. As luck would have it the cake arrives late. The card has the wrong age, she throws you that I HATE YOU look. Great now she will never forget her 38th or was it 40th.?
Between the many meetings you have and the blunders you have already made, you try to bury your guilt in caroline’s cake but Jeremy from Finance looks at you then your tummy sending you a message. “A lemon would do”, he says jokingly. You walk, back to your desk and ping!. Its a text from mum. Your drunkard of a dad has done it again. He's sold the last piece of land. The one that you were to inherit. You try to talk mum out of the marriage, but despite her many problems, she is still smitten by that drunkard. So you do, what any other firstborn does, send her cash from your already bleeding account. It's barely mid-month and you are already in debt.
You watch as the clock strikes five. There, the day is finally over. You respond to Harry's text. He's been blowing up your phone. You agree to meet at his place. You need to blow off some steam so Harry’s place it is. Everything is going smoothly. The kisses, the wine, he even has cake for you. You eat it hurriedly just in case Jeremy appears with his sneaky comments. As things get heated, you move to the bedroom. One thing leads to another. It's all good, both of you are responsible adults so he straps up.
With every thrust, your bodies gain momentum. Then he suddenly jumps off you. Holy fuck! The condom has burst.
“Yeah, it's one of those days.” your subconscious whispers.