I am spending a great amount of time at home. The main reason being self-quarantine, the novelty coronavirus is to blame. The virus has shaken the whole world to the core. Leaders, celebrities, Nonprofit organizations, philanthropists all have come out in support. An array of measures have been rolled out to aid stop the spread of the virus. Prevention is better than cure, right? The virus has proven that when we come together, we can fight and win. The pandemic has proven beyond doubt that there's no place like home and because of this, we need to ensure that our homes are not only comfortable but also toxic-free. It has been sent to us, not to confine us at home but help rebuild our family units and mend our family and friendship ties. The virus has proven to be an equalizer, hitting hard on both the poor and the rich. It has shown that no matter how high our towers are, we all live on this earth and an issue in the west will definitely get to the south.
Learn that every Muslim is a brother to another and that Islam constitutes a brotherhood~Prophet Muhammad SAW. The virus has proved that we are all connected in one way or another. The social and political borders that separate us did not deter the virus from escalating. The virus got to everyone black, white, Asian this should teach us how interconnected we are. Like a body when one part aches, the whole body ails.
The pandemic has proven to us how our health is underrated. Good healthcare practices and lifestyle is a song that seems outdated but here we are fighting to stay alive. It should serve as a lesson to practice better lifestyle choices. Eat your greens, don't do drugs, cut down on junk, take care of you to ensure a stronger immunity, the song goes on.
It is reminding us that our jobs are not our work. It is not what we were brought here to do. We have an obligation to look after one another. A sanitizer here, water and food across the border. This is our work to protect and be of benefit to not only ourselves but the whole world. It's not charity just a little bit of clarity.
It has shown us how sick and toxic we have not only made ourselves but the earth in which we live in. The water canals in Venice are clearing and aquatic life can be seen, the world's pollution has reduced by, crime all over the world has gone down since the pandemic. This is a lesson to all and sundry. We are our own enemies. Stealing from one another, but most importantly stealing from mother earth. The big ask for me would be, to go back to the drawing board and do better. Take care of the deforestation and please stop with the poaching.
With every difficulty comes ease~Quran 94.5.The novelty Corona Virus just like any other pandemic that came before it will pass. Life has different seasons, this is a difficult season but seasons come and go and this is no different.
The virus was sent to remind us to be human, to correct us, to teach us, to make us whole again.
Yours Faithfully,